Support hjfs poverty reduction efforts

Hamilton Jewish Family Services offers a variety of poverty reduction supports to those requiring assistance.  We work within a transformative framework.  This means that we help clients to set and meet goals, engage with other local supports, assist clients with connecting to resources and provide advocacy to ensure systemic change.


You are supporting seniors, families, Holocaust Survivors, newcomers and other vulnerable members of our community.



Every month, 50 families utilize these supports. This is done through our dedicated Financial Assistance Case Management Program, and our Claims Conference Case Management Program (supporting at-risk Holocaust survivors).

Monthly giving is also encouraged.


Suggested donation: $36.00

Secure Online Donation via   PayPal Logo

Donations can also be made by phone, email or cheque


By phone: Credit card payments can be made by calling 905-627-9922 ext. 23

By email: [email protected]

By cheque: Please make cheques payable to Hamilton Jewish Family Services and send to 30 King Street East, Dundas, ON  L9H 5G6.

We are always thankful for your support!